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Friday, December 14, 2012

The Best Birthday Ever!

~The older you get the less important birthdays become! I remember all of the exciting birthdays I've had. I remember the surpise parties and how people used to smash cakes in my face! I've had some good birthdays in my day but the older I got, the more they started turning into cold cheeseburgers!

Even though my recent birthdays started free falling from chairs, this year was the Best Birthday Ever! I love being married to my wife! I love marriage! She as tried so many times to make my birthdays special. Even though she failed numerous of times, she finally reached success with my 29th birthday!

Courtney was able to put together my favorite foods along with my favorite style and my best childhood dessert of all times! I remember walking in the house and she was standing there ready to take my order! I didn't know what was in the kitchen but she was perfect! On that day, I looked her in the eyes and said, "This is the Best Birthday Ever!"

The reason why it was the best was because Courtney had a motive! She had a desire to make sure she would own the title of the Best Birthday Ever! She messed up plenty of times. She failed over and over again! But She didn't give up! She kept pushing! She kept doing her research! She pushed through the tough times. She told herself she could do it and she will do it! She had Faith! She started acting like it was going to be the best and it was.

If you ever want to succeed in life, you have to fail! When you fail over and over again, you somehow assume responsibility for your failures and learn from them. Don't give up! Tell yourself you can do it! No matter what, Push through and make it "The Best Birthday Ever!"~

                               ~Marcus Porter~


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