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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What is Your Motive?

This is my Niece, Payton Aubrey Jackson weighted in at 7lbs. 11oz.

~No matter how tough you are or what part of town your from, this picture will soften your heart and make you smile! She is precious and beautiful. It's amazing that we all start as a child, amazingly created to where evoulution can't explain the how's, when's, why's, and if's. We has humans have the ability to create something beautiful and divine. Me and my wife go back and forth about having kids but change our ideas based of what others say! Some say don't have any because your life will end and you will be depressed and miserable the rest of your life. Some say, have them early so you can enjoy the later parts of your life. Some of my church friends state that we should enjoy our lives and have them late because Jesus may come before we try to have one.

Their is a small percentage of people who states they enjoy having kids and it's the best thing ever! Their are a few children that you see and wish they were your child! On the other hand, their are others who look and act crazy to where you don't want to think of creating one. Even though me and my wife have been married almost 3 years, we say that we wanted to wait at least 5 years so we can get education out of the way and jump started into our careers.

This is one of MY MOTIVES in fulfilling my dreams. I am what I am, and I do what I do because I want my kids to know that dreams come true! I want to Draw their desire from within and be the example of success! I don't want to tell my children someday that I wish I could or should have! I want to look them in the eyes and let them know that their "Old Man" is following his dreams and living them in the present. And when they look at me and say, "Why!" or "What pushed me!" I can look them back in the eyes and say, "You did!"

In order to be successful, you need motives in your life to push you! If you have no motives their will be nothing in your life but darkness on horrible days. You need to find out your motives which are your whys! Why do you want to be successful? Are you doing it to be selfish or are you trying to help someone in need! We all were created to serve and we need to tap into our motives so we can help others in need. I say this because a lot of things we REALLY want to do invovles helping someone. We ALL want to help people no matter how good or bad you may be. It's funny, because we get that from the creator! Find out what your Motive is so you can reach your full potential! This way in the later part of life, you won't have to ponder on the "I should have done" or "I could have done!"~

                                                                   ~Marcus Porter~

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