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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Questions that will BLOW YOUR MIND

And you say there is no such thing as a God! I want to ask you some questions that will get you thinking! After you ask yourself these questions you will get so excited to where you just may throw something! Just be careful and don't harm anyone around you! Just throw some cotton or something! So here we go!

Look at this sunset! Why is the sun called the sun? Why is Jesus called the son! But yet again, why are they both called the bright light? Why is it that if you look into the sun for so long you will go blind? Why is it the same with Jesus's light? Who is God? Okay, if God created Angles & Jesus and Jesus created every living thing on all the earths, then who created God? Where did God come from? What in the world has God been doing before he even Created Angles?

Before all the worlds and universes were created what was He doing? What else did God Create that we don't know about? Could God have some Secrets that will be good surprises to us? When can We see God? Can we chill with Him? Do you want to see Him play Piano? Maybe Golf? Or just see Him swim? Do you wonder how well he can Cook? Is His ways similar to ours? We Love, so does He? Does He Love Me? Why did Jesus Die for us instead of just staying in Heaven? What pushes Him to love us so much even though we don't care about Him?

Is there a Heaven? Will the Streets be Gold? Is God Building mansions for us right now? Do you mean to tell me we will be able to Fly? Are you Serious? So Wait! You mean to tell me we will be LIVING FORVER? So we will never die? People die all the time so We WILL NEVER DIE? We will live for Eternity? Is this a Joke? Okay, since it's not a joke Why do we act like this isn't Real? Why is it that people don't believe?

Why do we act like we don't care about our life beyond this life? Why are we so separated in Religion? Why are their so many viewpoints? Is there one God? Why do we take the chance in being evil versus being good? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in Heaven? Will you be going to Heaven? Who do you want to be there? Will you get as many people as you can to go? Do you wanna Go? Do I? Shoot! I Do...

Marcus Porter

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