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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Color Wheels of Life

~I am in love with the colors of God's beauty! My inner soul enjoys the silence and calmness of nature that relieves the mind from distractions. I can hear nothing but silent wind blowing and still waters of joy creating peace within its reach. I imagine walking along the sidewalk amazed in the color wheels of life as if I stepped in God's photo album and took a look around. Looking back at Him smiling while He signals for me to explore His new art exhibit.

This lovely pictures stimulates our abilities in a spiritual way, notifying our brains that their is more to life than what society feeds us. You may not admit it, but we all have a desire for something greater. We are designed for heaven to where we can be free from life's troubles and our souls can feel the infinte peace and joy of our God! Don't let bills, money, technology, alcohol, TV, student loans, careers, suicide, bullying, neglect, riches nor stress distract you from the simple things of life. Because those simple things give you hope and peace so your color wheels of life won't fade to black and white.~

                   ~Marcus Porter~

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